10 Fun Activities to do with Older Relatives

10 Fun Activities to do with Older Relatives

Spending quality time with older relatives creates memories to cherish forever. Here’s ten fun activities to try with your loved ones, many of which are suitable for those with reduced mobility.


If your loved one has green fingers, gardening together can be an enjoyable and worthwhile activity. You can grow some vegetables and enjoy fresh produce in months to come, or plant flowers to make the garden flourish in the summer. This is something your relative can tend to regularly to help them stay active and inspired.

If your loved one is a seasoned gardener, you can pick up some handy tips from them.

Looking through photo albums

Indulge in memories of the past by looking through old photo albums and video recordings. This is enjoyable for everyone involved, and you might learn something about your relative’s past that you didn’t know before.

This nostalgic activity is also perfect for those living with memory loss, as many retain vivid memories of the past despite short term memory loss.

Picnic outside

Prepare a picnic and enjoy it outside. This could be in the garden, the local park or a further afield spot like the beach or a national beauty spot. You can eat some of your loved one’s favourite foods whist taking in fresh air and sights of nature.

Adult colouring books

Adult colouring books are fun activity and useable for everyone – even those who aren’t naturally artistic. Colouring books are available in varying levels to cater for different abilities, with colour-by-number editions making it easy to produce a work of art.

This activity is also relaxing – perfect for those who want to unwind and flex their creativity.

Card making

Another creative activity to try is card making. Head to your nearest craft store for some supplies, then set to work making greetings cards for friends and family.

This activity is also good to do seasonally, ahead of Christmas, Easter and other card-filled holidays.

Video call far away loved ones

If your relative has loved ones further afield, you can video call them for a catch-up. With a range of video calling apps such as Facetime, Zoom and Skype, you can do this from any device and brighten up your loved one’s day.

Play a board game

Playing a board game is a year-round activity which provides fun for all the family. You can try traditional games that your loved one is familiar with like Scrabble, Monopoly and Snakes and Ladders, or you could introduce a modern game you think they would enjoy.

Do a puzzle

Puzzles are another relaxing activity that requires some brain power from you and your relative. Puzzles come in a range of sizes to suit all abilities – you can even buy personalised puzzles printed with a chosen photograph a thoughtful gift.

Watch a film

Watching a film is an activity that requires little effort whilst providing great entertainment. You can opt for a classic film that your relative has seen before or keep up with the latest Hollywood releases.

Bake a cake

If your loved one enjoys baking, you could make a cake or other sweet treat together. Not only can you enjoy the baking process together, but you can enjoy eating the fruits of your labour afterwards.

Wessex Care provides a range of activities for our residents to ensure they maintain a high quality of life in our residential homes and centres. To find out more, get in touch with our team today.

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